The journey of the river doesn't stop with the completion of the prints. On November 21 I showed the series to friends, volunteers and supporters of North Oakland Headwaters Land Conservancy at the Fenton Winery and Brewery.

Their response and appreciation of these prints showing the beauty of the river was overwhelming. They know the river. They clean the river. They protect the river and it's watershed. They give of their time and money "to conserving and enhancing the natural water and land resources in Northwest Oakland County through acquisition and/or preservation of key properties is essential to sustaining a high quality of life for present and future generations" and have the "intent of conserving the woods, fields, streams, wetlands and other natural features in the headwaters areas of the Clinton, Shiawassee, Huron, and Flint rivers."

Visit their website to learn more about North Oakland Headwaters Land Conservancy:
Congratulations, Linda. I'm so glad that this wonderful series of prints is receiving so much recognition. And a stamp of approval from the Conservancy folks would be the highest recognition, yes?
I'd love to see the whole series online sometime. How many print designs did you make in total?
Lovely exhibit. I also look forward to seeing the whole set of prints and am glad you're enjoying presenting your work, especially to the people who put their love and care into the River.
Linda, You are an inspiration! Last fall I painted a plein-air piece for a local watershed organization (which happily sold before the show)- it is very rewarding to help make awareness of our natural resources to the public I live in a river rich area too and really enjoy the natural beauty that is so close. Brava on your success!
Thank you ladies! I'll be posting all the prints hopefully this week. With all these showings and then all the holiday happenings I am just starting to get caught up.
There are 14 prints in total. One of the "views" is an autumn triptych.
It was the conservation people I most wanted to impress. No one knows the river better or has more passion than they do.
Several individual prints have sold and also one complete set of all 14 prints!
Linda, I met you at the MMAG Christmas Party. I decided to check out your website. What beautiful work. I am very impressed and enjoy what you are doing for the environment and your love for Michigan. Congratulations on having your work in the governor's mansion. I hope to see you again sometime.
Wanda Davison
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