And I am pleased to have 2 works selected to be included.
On our 27th wedding anniversary my husband and I attended the opening reception and press conference one block from the state capital building. We walked the beautiful downtown streets of Lansing and enjoyed art along with people who just got out of work and were on their way home. People who wouldn't think of stepping into an art gallery were stopping, looking, enjoying, calling the phone number on each banner to learn more about the art and artist. Amazing!
We learned how the Arts are [finally] being recognized for the economic impact it has in our greater community. We met artists from all over Michigan and learned about their inspiration and passion for their art.
Below is the "copy" from the City Streets website. Please browse the works online if you can't get to downtown Lansing before Labor Day. And don't ever, ever doubt - the Arts make a difference in people's lives!
This summer Lansing Art Gallery is turning downtown Lansing into an open-air art gallery with the City Streets Exhibition. Eighty works of art from Michigan artists are on display along Washington Square and Michigan Avenue, creating two intersecting corridors of artwork.
More than just a visual experience, the City Streets Exhibition is a fully interactive happening. In this outdoor gallery, there’s no need to silence your cell phones. You’ll want it handy so that you can dial in to hear phone casts of the artists talking about their work and their inspiration in their own words.
With the City Streets Exhibition, your opinion counts. You know what you like, and we’d like to know too. You can leave comments about your favorite pieces and vote for the People’s Choice Award. Just look for the unique voice mail and text numbers displayed on each artwork banner.
The City Streets Exhibition was designed to give you the opportunity to see art, to learn about art, to talk about art, and to share your opinions about art. What are you waiting for? Take a walk in downtown Lansing, Michigan’s newest art gallery!
The exhibit is supported by the City of Lansing Arts & Cultural Grant Program funded through the Economic Development Corporation with help from the Arts Council of Greater Lansing. The grant program is part of a ten year Cultural Economic Development Plan.
This is an awesome thing. Congrats to you my friend, and a big thanks to the city of Lansing for taking art to the streets!
Lansing has got it going on! And so do you. Your work looks great. SO looking forward to meeting you. It's very soon now!!
Way to go! What a great achievement :)
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